Friday, April 12, 2013

Know Thyself

Take the test. Read the results. Google more results and read those. It's important to understand what makes you tick so that you can more clearly see what makes you happy. Your personality is unique. Things that make you sublimely happy, may make someone else miserable. By learning about your personality type, you learn how to better yourself.
Happiness is so key to your personal success. Read The Happiness Advantage. The theories in this book are based off of research and study, and help you understand why consciously striving for happiness is so important. It also gives advice on how to find your own personal kind of happiness. One way is by discovering your top character strengths and nurturing them in new ways. Mine are:
1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
2. Curiousity (Exploration & Discovery)
3. Gratitude
4. Love of Learning
5. Creativity
Another way to find your happiness is by taking a small bit of time each day to jot down three good things that happened. Shawn Achor's advice is to be specific and list things that brought small or large laughs, feelings of accomplishment, nice things that were said, happy friendship moments, or a glimmer of hope for the future. This act conditions you to search for happiness more regularly and even unconsciously, allowing you to see the world through a rose-colored lens. Achor's book has really helped me understand myself and the world much better. Happiness does not come easily to all of us. It seems like such a simple and obvious thing, but it once evaded me. Now I would describe myself as a very happy person. Here are my happy thoughts of the day:
1. Rediscovered my Unstuck book today. It has lots of fun ideas to spark creativity.
2. I cleaned off my desk today a little bit. I feel much better when my work space is tidy.
3. The storm today was very exciting. On my drive to work, the water splashed around and made me smile. It reminded me of log flume rides at water parks.